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Features of URL Detector for Safari

Safari Context Menu
Safari Context Menu

Native options of Safari are always shown first in the context menu. Unfortunately, there is no API to influence this behavior. URL Detector can therefore not hide any options from Safari.

URL Detector Context Menu
URL Detector Context Menu

Options from Safari App Extensions (like URL Detector) are always shown at the bottom of the context menu. URL Detector always acts passively, it only shows options when Safari does something wrong.

The way URL Detector works is not trivial. For this reason you will find the most typical use cases of URL Detector below. Of course these use cases also work in combination. You can try them all directly in Safari. Please make sure that URL Detector is installed, the extension is enabled in Safari and all features are enabled as well.

Safari detects these URLs correctly
To avoid redundancies URL Detector does not show any options

  • http://apple.com
  • https://apple.de
  • https://www.apple.com
  • https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • https://sannewald.com/
  • https://apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html
  • https://apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment

Safari detects these URLs mistakenly
URL Detector shows a warning because these URLs cannot be correct

  • http://apple
  • https://apple
  • https://www.apple.comcom
  • https://ww.aple.o/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • https://sannewaldcom/
  • https://apps.sannewald.---/url-detector/features.html
  • https://??.sannewald.??/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment
  • https://127.0.1

Safari does not detect these URLs due to whitespaces
URL Detector shows all options instead of Safari

  • ht tp://apple.com
  • https://a pple.de
  • https://www.apple.c om
  • https://w ww.app le.com/sho p/buy-ipho ne/ipho ne-13-pro
  • ht tp s:/ /s annew ald. com /
  • https://app s.sannewald.com/url- detector/fea tures.ht ml
  • h t t p s: //apps.sannewald.com/ url-detector /features. html? param=1 #fragment
  • ht tps://12 7. 0. 0. 1
  • https://127 . 0 . 0 . 1/hello/

Safari does not detect these URLs due to whitespaces
URL Detector does not show any options because these URLs cannot be correct

  • ht tp://apple
  • https://a pple
  • https://www.apple.co mc om
  • https://w w.ap le.o/sho p/buy-ipho ne/ipho ne-13-pro
  • ht tp s:/ /s annewald com /
  • https://app s.sannewald.---/url- detector/fea tures.html
  • h t t p s: //??.sannewald.??/ url-detector /features. html? param=1 #fragment
  • ht tps://12 7. 0. 1
  • https://127 . 0 . 0 . 1hello

Safari does not detect these URLs due to missing scheme
URL Detector shows all options instead of Safari

  • apple.com
  • apple.de
  • www.apple.com
  • www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • sannewald.com/
  • apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html
  • apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment

Safari does not detect these URLs due to missing scheme
URL Detector does not show any options because these URLs cannot be correct

  • apple
  • applede
  • www.apple.comcom
  • ww.aple.o/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • sannewaldcom/
  • apps.sannewald.---/url-detector/features.html
  • ??.sannewald.??/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment
  • 127.0.1

Safari does not detect these URLs due to wrong scheme
URL Detector shows all options instead of Safari

  • ttps://apple.com
  • htps://apple.de
  • htts://www.apple.com
  • ttps:/www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • tps://sannewald.com/
  • hts://apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html
  • ps://apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment
  • hs:/
  • :/

Safari does not detect these URLs due to wrong scheme
URL Detector does not show any options because these URLs cannot be correct

  • ttps://apple
  • htps://applede
  • htts://www.apple.comcom
  • ttps:/ww.aple.o/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • tps://sannewaldcom/
  • hts://apps.sannewald.---/url-detector/features.html
  • ps://??.sannewald.??/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment
  • hs:/127.0.1
  • :/

Safari does not detect these URLs
At least one server is available and responds correctly
URL Detector shows all options instead of Safari
URL Detector opens these URLs and does not show any warning

  • apple.com
  • apple.de
  • www.apple.com
  • www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • sannewald.com/
  • apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html
  • apps.sannewald.com/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment
  • (Please start a web server on localhost)
  • (Please start a web server on localhost)

Safari does not detect these URLs
No server is available or the server does not respond correctly
URL Detector shows all options instead of Safari
URL Detector does not open these URLs and shows a warning

  • worzvmskfghzrixmvnt.com
  • worzvmskfghzrixmvnt.de
  • www.worzvmskfghzrixmvnt.com
  • www.worzvmskfghzrixmvnt.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro
  • gkihmtnzucnbbkzirjdncvhv.com/
  • apps.gkihmtnzucnbbkzirjdncvhv.com/url-detector/features.html
  • apps.gkihmtnzucnbbkzirjdncvhv.com/url-detector/features.html?param=1#fragment
  • (Please stop all web servers running on localhost)
  • (Please stop all web servers running on localhost)

Safari does not detect URLs
URL Detector does not show any options because plaintext is ignored

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  • consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • sed diam nonumy eirmod
  • tempor invidunt ut labore et
  • dolore magna aliquyam erat
  • sed diam voluptua. At vero eos
  • et accusam et justo duo dolores
  • et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd
  • gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus

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